ponedeljek, 25. april 2016

Day 85: Bad mood or depression 11

In blog 76 I wrote: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I want to die because I collapsed because I don't pass exam. When and as I see myself to think that I want to die because I collapsed because I don't pass exam, I stop and breath. I realize that I start more often talk about death after collapse, so I think is this connected. I think that I don't scare to die, because I realize I can die in this moment, so I start exploit this word for search for attention. I commit myself to breath before I want to say that I want to die.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to search for attention. When and as I see myself to search for attention, I stop and breath. I realize that I can give myself attention when  I realize why I need this attention. The most often is because I don't know what to do and look around for chat and so on. I commit myself that I see problem and give attention myself before I look for it and become in bad mood.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel lonely and because it I look for attention. When and as I see myself to feel lonely and because it I look for attention, I stop and breath. I realize that I feel lonely because I don't see only person with who I can be all the time. This is me, myself. Only me can be with myself all the time. So loneliness is not that I'm alone, but I don't be with myself because I don't know what to do. I commit myself that I can take attention to myself and don't feel loneliness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel lonely when I with resistance say yes for help other or go with them. When and as I see myself to feel lonely when I with resistance say yes for help other or go with them, I stop and breath. I realize that if I go somewhere with resistance I'm not there, I want to go away, I want run away, I'm alone. If I go in the same place because I want I feel in group, I help because I want to help. I feel that I'm not alone. I commit myself that I go with other because I want to go, not because I need to go and I must feel with other that I'm not alone, they want to be with me, so I must be with them.

2 komentarja:

  1. Nice! Super realizacije, Klavdija. Kar tako naprej, pa ti kmalu ne bo več nikoli dolgčas sami s sabo.
    Vsaj moja izkušnja je taka. Odkar sem se nehala zanašat na poroznost s strani drugih in sem se vprašala kaj želim počet s svojim časom, mi ni več nikoli dolgčas. In ko sem se prvič zavedla, da mi sploh ni več dolgčas, sem se počutila zelo olajšano in veselo; kar malo ponosno na sebe  
    Kadar vidim, da moji dnevi postajajo monotoni, pa se lotim česa novega - tako kot sem se zdaj zapestnic. Ko se jih bom naveličala, pa se začnem učit kake druge spretnosti. Malo se je treba prisilit včasih - ampak večkrat kot to narediš, lažje se zastaraš pri vsaki novi dejavnosti.

    1. Hvala za podporo. Kadar imam dobre dneve mi večinoma ni dolgčas, ko pa pridejo slabi dnevi, pa tudi dolgčas pride in to je najslabše. V zadnjem času imam "videnje", da moram naslikati cvet, ko je zunaj toliko cvetov, vendar tak antitalent kot sem jaz, mislim, da mi ne bo uspelo, čeprav zakaj bi slikala na platno, če lahko na papir. Vaja dela mojstra, če mojster dela vajo.
