petek, 17. april 2015

Day 43: If I give I have

In the last days I write about death. I share what I write in the forum and I bring back interesting answer that I start to think about it. They write if I take care for someone I can take the same much of care for myself. And if I look animals I can see in them somethink I can do for myself.

I forgive myself that I not have accepted and allowed myself see what I can give other, that I can give myself too. When and as I see myself to see what I can give other, that I can give myself too, I stop and breath. I realize that I don't see what I must see, because I do a lot of thinks for other people, and forgive in myself and look small thinks, that I can give it myself, by the other people. I commit myself that I see how worth I am and give what give other in the first time for myself, but in same time I'm not selfish.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not to see when I observe animals, how to create my own feelings. When and as I see myself not to see when I observe animals, how to create my own feelings, I stop and breath. I realize that I see in pair of animals love, but I feel when I observ them happiness, peace, only good feelings. How feel some feeling in my body I must remember and when I want to show other what I feel, I show with my body. I commit myself that I look and see what I must to see and show other what I feel with my body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself think that I can't fell a love or be in love. When and as I see myself thinkthat I can't fell a love or be in love, I stop and breath. I realize that for me was love is when you feel something special, but not more. Now is love when you listen your partner and talk with him, do all the thing together, do something for patner. Love isn't feeling, is way of life. All, people, animal and plants is equal, and you love all, not only your partner. I commit myself that start love myself and other aroud me.

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